Benefits of Healthy Eating in Heart Disease

heart disease risk factors 300x240 Benefits of Healthy Eating in Heart DiseaseAccording to statistics in every day about 2,700 people in the whole world die of heart disease.  Among the factors that contribute to the onset of the heart diseases we include: smoking, stress, genetics and last but not least food. Eating, for cardiac patients involve a number of restrictions in the daily diet, so they should avoid:
-      excessive consumption of salt and chili spices in   food preparation;
-        avoid saturated fats;
-        avoid fried foods;
-        abuse of alcohol;
It is recommended that the diet to be mainly composed of vegetables, whole grains, fruits, lean meat, fish, soy. Among the vegetables and fruits that are not allowed to miss in a cardiac patients diet we include:
    healthy foods 300x207 Benefits of Healthy Eating in Heart Disease
  1. Avocado, a fruit rich in potassium and oleic acid that helps increase good cholesterol in the blood (HDL);
  2. Melon recommended for high levels of potassium which helps lower blood pressure;
  3. Nuts are rich in vitamin E, lower cholesterol and prevent blood clots;
  4. Apples are recommended the consumption a glass of apple juice a day or two apples as food to reduce oxidation of cholesterol negative (LDL);
  5. Salmon, highly recommended to use at least twice a week because of the very high intake of omega 3 fatty acids;
  6. Soya is an excellent source of protein for cardiac patients which aims to regulate cholesterol;
  7. Spinach very rich in lutein and potassium helps maintain heart health;
  8. Garlic, with his 70 plant elements which according to studies they manage to decrease the amount of blood pressure by 30%;
  9. Onion, rich in quercetin which ensure a healthy blood circulation in the vessels;
  10. Beans, reliable source of isoflavones which are so important proper functioning of the heart.
All these foods consumed daily they will surely bring contribution to the functioning of the heart. Note that a balanced lifestyle in conjunction with physical exercises and a balanced diet will make your doctor visits rarer.

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